Friday, November 26, 2010


Interesting doing this whole "new things" effort for the year. I'm already about 10% along the way and the attempt to embrace/try/experience 54 new things during the year certainly has had a different impact already than what I had anticipated. I expected sitting down, thinking about things I would like to try, and giving them a shot. And I've done a bit of that and have no doubt I'll continue to try new things based on that approach.

What I did not expect was the awareness of trying things all the time. As I'm paying more attention to what I do each day, I'm aware that I do a lot of little new things all the time. Some are pretty insignificant. But others really do have a bit more impact. And I was never aware of all these things coming into my life.

Some people believe that the more you focus on something and think about something, the more you attract that thing to yourself. Is that it? Am I actually trying even more new things than normal just because it is in my thoughts more now? Or have I always done this but just never paid enough attention?

Either way, it is definitely interesting to be more aware and to enjoy each of those experiences.


Bijoux said...

Is this sort of like when you learn a new word and then see it repeatedly afterwards??

Em said...

Exactly!! That is just what it is like. I rambled for a few paragraphs to explain something that you so precisely put forth in one sentence. LOL You should be writing the posts for my blog, perhaps! :)

VioletSky said...

I think your rambling post is more thought provoking than Cocotte's succinct comment (though I like that analogy!)
Too often we go through our day in such a routine manner that we don't even remember doing certain things. Do you actually remember brushing your teeth, or putting your socks on? Yet, every morning you do it. At least, I hope you do. If you decide that neglecting those activities could be your new thing for the day, I don't want to know about it.

Em said...

Violet, I promise to continue taking care of all the basic grooming needs. :)

tattytiara said...

Speaking of new things, this post put all kinds of new ideas in my head. Interesting ones. Glad I popped by!

secret agent woman said...

It's all about salience, isn't it?

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

I think it was SUCH a great idea to do this, and so enlightening to read about how it's going for you. Thanks for writing about it.

Jocelyn said...

I'd love a follow-up post in which you give us lots of examples of those New Things. Personally, I'm seeing how valuable it is, as we age, to keep pushing ourselves out of the Tried and True.