Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm a hobnobber!!

My blogger friend CS over at another tangential thinker writes on her blog almost every day. And I read her blog every time she adds to it. Why? Because she shares such wonderful stories of her life and she takes awesome photos that bring her words to life. CS says her credo is "life is weird and unpredictable, but often in a good way." Well, CS isn't weird. But what she might choose to write about or photograph is often unpredictable. And always in a good way!

Why else do I read her? Cause she is a hobnobber, too! That's right, she won the Power Of Schmooze award. And then she turned right around and gave that award to me!

Much like CS, I always thought of schmoozing with a somewhat negative point of view. It seemed like someone being insincere and manipulative. And while some of the definitions of "schmooze" do include the fact that it can be done to flatter or manipulate, that certainly is not all it is meant to be. For example, CS quotes the definition that says "to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” And when I checked it out, I also found "to talk intimately and cozily" and "a long and intimate conversation".

I think that sums up blogging for me. My blog, and the many wonderful blogs I read, comprise a long and intimate conversation. Sure, the conversation gets broken up into pieces, shared bit by bit, growing and changing as life unfolds around us. But when I add up all the different things I've read about some of you, I've certainly gained a lot of insight into your lives. And I think I've shared enough that some of you can look right in my window and know whats going on in my house.

In CS' definition it mentions to talk casually "to make a social connection." I do feel connected to many of you. I read about you every day. I know more about some of you than about people I see every day in my life. And I love that about blogging.

So I accept this blogger schmooze award with pride...and thank you, CS!

And I get the honor of passing it along to some folks who use their blogs in the best hobnob fashion by encouraging us to make social connections among the blogosphere and by sharing bits and pieces of their lives with us. So...I present to you...three schmoozers!

Jenster - who says her writing is just the mundane ramblings of a busy homemaker, but who, in reality, shares wonderful stories about her life.

Nancy - who seems like she is thoughtful and soft spoken and who tells us about her day and about her observations and reflections on the world around us.

Charlotta - who admits she has a lotta thoughts and she enjoys sharing them. She has even tried to answer that question that always vexes us males....why do women always go to the bathroom in groups. It just never seemed like something that would require audience participation.

Now in my best schmoozing style, lean over close so I can give you an air kiss on both cheeks, tell you that "you look lovely, dahling", and send you off to have a good weekend!


CS said...

Wow, I'm overwhelmed. You just completely made my weekend! I wil go check out your choices right now.

Charlotta-love said...

Thanks EM! I've never woken up on a Saturday to find out I'm a schmoozer (a snoozer yes) but it feels great! Thanks for the honor. And now to pass along the schmooze...

Jenster said...

Thank you! I've never thought of myself as a schmoozer, but I'm willing to redefine myself.

Funny thing - I've just given you a different award. It's kind of like we've got our own little mutual admiration society going on!

Nancy said...

Thank you so much, Em! I've never been one to think of myself as a schmoozer, but now I'm honored!!

It's nice to know that you're still reading even though I haven't been very consistent with my posts lately. Thanks again!

Andrea Frazer said...

I won that award also. I take great pride in my schoomzability, and U should 2!

Anonymous said...

Congratz on the award dude!

thethinker said...

You're absolutely right -- the part about blogging and visiting other blogs being like a long conversation. That's a great way to think of it.

(And congratulations on the award!)

eric1313 said...

Yes, congratulations.

Schmoozing does sound an awful lot like "bullshitting". But I have the same award, so that's cool.

Thanls for the visit. Yeah, I fopund you through Barb, of course. She is a good writer--she needs a shot of confidence, and to have faith that if she tries for a little every day, she will get a lot better and surprise herslf, the way we all do when we first truly learn to take writng seriously as a discipline--and I never use that word, especially not lightly.

Nice meeting you, again!

Anonymous said...

You hit the right definition of blogging -- a long and intimate conversation. And the metaphor of looking into each others' windows is right on. I know more about some of my long time blog friends than about family and friends in the real world.

Happy schmoozing...

Chicky Pea said...

I have equally enjoyed reading your blog and learning about your life. You seem like a great guy, Em and your family is very lucky to have you. (HUG)

A wildlife gardener said...

I think you are very deserving of this award as you chat in a very friendly manner and make everyone feel welocme to your world :)

Unknown said...

Excellent! Way to go, Em. You deserve it, and I must say that your schmoozer choices deserve it, too

Sweet and Salty said...

Congrats on your award. I haven't been around long, but I already know you deserve it!

Gretchen said...

Hey, ya big Shmoozah...

Congrats. I love the idea that blogging is a conversation. in non-blog life, there are interruptions and breaks and hesitations, and stories unfold day by day. So far, I think I've only visited Charlotta and Jenster, so I'll have to give Nancy a drive-by, as well.

velvet said...

Congrats on the award, you schmoozer, you. ;)

Angel said...

Em, that is such a good way to describe blogging..."A long and intimate conversation"...that's great and so appropriate.

you big schmoozer, you!

Jenny! said...


Judy said...

Great post, Em. I agree with your description of CS, too. She's a good gal and writes stories worth reading and takes exceptionally good photos.

But oh gosh, more good blogs to visit!!! May I please have some more hours in my day?

As for you, the schmoozing award - in all of its best connotations - is rightfully yours. Congratulations! It's well-deserved!