Friday, May 02, 2008

Put down the pins...

...and step away from the voodoo doll!

I'm starting to feel cursed! I mean, I just wrote last Friday about the on-going trauma to our little family. But we were bouncing back. And we bounced all the way to Wednesday morning about 3AM. That was when my wife woke me up due to her severe pain. We were off to the emergency room for a little visit by 4AM. And after a series of blood tests, ultrasounds, and 92 different interns and residents poking on her until she practically screamed and then asking "does that hurt?" was 1PM and they carried her off to surgery.

By the time I saw her again around 5, she was missing a gall bladder. But in so much less pain! Those little incisions were so much less painful than a gall bladder that was infected and engorged.

They kept her at the hospital until noon today...just monitoring lingering infection and pain, but she is home now and seriously medicated.

And the highlight of the whole ordeal (aside from her obvious improvement in health) was Son18 giving me a call at the hospital yesterday just to ask..."So when they took out her gall bladder, what did they do with it? Do they just have a big garbage can full of body parts?"

Whatever can they have, it now has one more seriously infected gall bladder. Better in the can than in my wife!


barefoot gardener said...

Oh. I just had my gall bladder out last year after Little Sprout was born, so I can totally empathize with your wife's pain. Absolutely nothing (including the pain of childbirth) is worse.

I am so glad she is feeling better. I think you all have earned a nice long vacation from trouble, though.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! What a terrible experience!
I hope that Mrs NFMC will be fine soon.

Em said...

Barefoot - Thanks for your sympathy. I do think it is time for some fun and not so much trauma.

May - I love "Mrs NFMC" LOL I always wondered how to refer to her online. That just may be the best ever.

VioletSky said...

You couldn't make up all these traumas without feeling like you were going overboard, could you?
I hope all goes smoothly with your wife's recovery!
Does she know she is also 'Mrs NFMC'?

Star said...

1ust when you think that if one more thing goes wrong you will lose it, it happens, and you don't. Glad the wife is feeling better.

Robin said...

My parents divorced when I was 9 and my Dad went to live in a boarding house- a place totally foreign to me. Since, even then, I wasn't fond of my mother, I looked forward to visiting with him on weekends.

He picked me up weekend #1 and said a family member had died and we had to go to the funeral.

He picked me up weekend #2 and said a family member had died and we had to go to the funeral.

He picked me up weekend #3, and just looked at me.

We went to the funeral.


You're going through some worrisome times, but it gets better. I swear. It does.


The Covert Lover said...

I'm glad your wife is feeling better, and I'm sure things will start looking up before too long.
I had to laugh at the voodoo reference, very clever. :)

Big Brother said...

Hope your wife is feeling better... there are times like that, The Job Year. We went through something like that a few years ago, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It just wouldn't stop, but we slogged on and things have calmed down. I hope your year from hell will be over soon. good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! So you're now primary caregiver. Welcome to the club. Roomie just had full hysterectomy a couple of weeks ago and I'm playing that role for a while. It is amazing what they can do with just those tiny incisions. Hope your wife recovers quickly.

Son18's perception and question are so honest and charming. I wonder how you answered him. I wonder what they actually do with body parts...

Jenster said...

Holy moly!! I'm happy to hear she's feeling better.

whimsical brainpan said...

I am so sorry to hear that your wife had to go through this but I'm glad she's feeling better.

BTW, after going to pathology hospitials tend to incinerate what they remove (I asked).

Kati said...

Oh dang!!!! Y'all are just getting kicked around right & left!!! I'm sorry to hear about this latest trauma in your line of traumatic events. I hope your wife is starting to feel better and recovers quickly from her surgery. And, may this be the end of the bad events for a VERY long time!

As bad as it sounds, after my not-nearly-so-bad-as-this news the other day, I kept thinking "what
gods did I piss off?!?!?" I can just imagine that similar thoughts have had to be going through your head lately. I hope this all doesn't drag you down too much, and that you're able to see some silver linings to some of these clouds.

Michelle said...

Ouchie!! Gall bladder pain is BAD!! I had mine removed a long long time ago....before they have the new surgery. (I have a big ass scar :( ) I am glad she is feeling better. It is like a night and day difference once that thing is out!!!

Em said...

Whim - thanks for the gory details of the body part processing.

Chelle - I'm sure the scar is just a cute beauty mark. :)

Jazz said...

Whoa! Ouch...

Garbage can? Yuck.

Ms. Judy said...

Gallbladder pain is awful. Your wife will be a new woman. I'll have to agree with Chelle -- the old surgery did leave big scars. Mine is seven inches. Not at all cute or dainty. But worth it every inch for the relief it delivered!

Radioactive Tori said...

They incenerate them. I asked what they do with the parts after I had my thyroid out. They save cancerous parts (mine) for 10 years and incenerate everything else.

I hope recovery is speedy...I read above and saw that she was back in the ER, but doing fine now.