Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Last night at approximately 7:45 eastern time, Son2 strolled across the stage (so far away from where we were sitting that he was mostly a maroon spot on the horizon!) and collected his high school diploma. It is exciting when any kid reaches that milestone. For a kid who struggles with asperger's syndrome and a few other complicating factors, it was truly momentous. An achievement for him, for us, and for all those who have helped him along the way.

Congratulations!! We love you!!!


Mrs. Chili said...

WOOT! Congratulations to ALL of you! I contend that graduations are NEVER just about the graduate; there are so many people supporting and encouraging that person that, really, graduations should celebrate the entire village.

Jazz said...

Congratulations Son2!!!

Everyone was pulling for you!

Big Brother said...

Congratulations, well done!

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Oh! Tears in my eyes over that gorgeous photo, and the journey it was to get there. Congratulations to all of you!

Bijoux said...

That is a fantastic picture! I know that these occasions mean so much more when you have a child who struggles. I'm proud of him for his accomplishments and congratulate all of you!

secret agent woman said...

Yay for Son2!! And what a great photo.