Did you party and drink and eat and then set resolutions not to party and drink and eat so much? Or are you a stay-at-home, avoid the crowds, sit by the fire and watch TV kind of New Year's person?
We are the home type. The crowds hold no lure for us. We had wonderful snacks, hung out with the kids, watched some DVD's, and celebrated the new year in a quiet way. And it was nice.
And now it is New Year's Day. The snow is falling. And we are snuggled in by the fire for our last day off before returning to school and work. And it would be a perfect day....except...
I have the cold. No sore throat. No fever. But enough congestion to be in the Guinness Book of World Records. Not to put too fine a point on it, but my head is filled with snot...and the extra is leaking out. And this is actually Day 5 of the cold...so everyone is tired of hearing me snort and blow and sniff.
I tried taking the pills. Twelve hour relief with just one capsule. Bah. I might as well have been eating Tic Tacs. All that happens is that I have to suffer for twelve hours before trying something else.
I could do that liquid stuff. But I've never felt like that helped either. Sure, it makes me sleepy and I can take a long nap. But that isn't curing anything...just letting me sleep through the cold and wake up when it is over. And if that is all it does, why bother to buy it? I can achieve the same thing with liquor.
But for congestion...sniffles....stuffy noses...there is a remedy that I love. It works quickly...and reliably. When all else fails, I reach for the nose spray. A couple of squirts right up the nostrils and I'm breathing like a normal human again!
Now I know that isn't curing anything. I'm just getting rid of a symptom. But since that is the only symptom I have...it feels like I'm cured. Until the twelve hours is almost over...and all the snot that has been held back comes rushing out. And I go running for my spray again. The vicious Snot Cycle.
But maybe the cold will be gone soon? Positive thinking, right?!?!
Well, if you've read through my ramblings about my cold (or if you just scrolled to the bottom hoping for something more interesting to read)...
Happy New Year to you!!!